Windows 12 is going to revolutionize your PC

Windows 12 is going to revolutionize your PC, and this is your ace up your sleeve to achieve it


Microsoft, like most companies in the technology sector, wants to be innovative and disruptive in the products and services it offers. On this occasion, and according to information published by The Wall Street Journal , it seems that the North American firm will not only integrate ChatGPT into its Bing search engine , but could also use OpenAI tools to improve its catalog of services .

Artificial intelligence could be integrated into Windows 12

As you can see in the video published by the North American media on YouTube, and that we show you below these lines, one of Microsoft’s top managers, Satya Nadella , has spoken about the possibility of combining artificial intelligence with products and services for the average user. On this occasion, it seems that Azure users will be the first to receive the benefits of artificial intelligence , although they will not be the only ones:

Every Microsoft product will have some of the capabilities of artificial intelligence to completely transform the product.

Given that Microsoft has been one of the companies that has invested the most money in OpenAI , since its inception, it seems logical to think that the company that created DALL.E or ChatGPT wants to return the favor with full access to its AI services. This company, in recent months, has become the center of attention of the technological world and it is not something that has arisen spontaneously. That is why Microsoft is committed to artificial intelligence to enhance its following products, among which we could include Windows 12 .

Although he has not expressly spoken about this matter, judging by his statements, it seems clear that the next version of Microsoft’s operating system will be powerful enough to be able to manage user needs through the use of AI. We can imagine scenarios in which a text editor completes the task that you are preparing, that the customization of the system is accompanied by wallpapers generated to the user’s taste or that, for example, the voice of the voice assistant is the one that the person choose, being able to select, for example, the voice of a relative or friend . Satya ensures that:

I’m not saying, by the way, that this is the latest innovation in AI. This is not linear progress. We need something to really shift the productivity curve to have real economic growth. The best way to prepare for this is not to bet against technology, since it is helping you in your job and in companies.

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