The jobs that will exist in 2050


The job market is constantly changing. What will this mean in a few decades? Some jobs don’t even exist today.

Changes in the world of work are coming faster and faster. Our society today has little to do with the generation of our grandparents or great-grandparents. We know that the job market will change even faster as technology increases, and while we are aware that some jobs that will be in high demand in the future may not even exist today, we can predict which career paths will be the most sought after. How? Thanks to current employment statistics and industry trends. So, do we know what jobs will exist in 2050?

We are in the midst of a sea of ​​changes and on the cusp of recruitment 4.0: where are we going labor-wise? This type of exercise can help all of us steady the ship and prepare for the future of work.

Many studies suggest that automation could turn many industries upside down and lead to mass unemployment. However, the figures -between studies- are quite contradictory. So what key trends could define the world of work in 2050 ?

Resuscitator of extinct species ? 3D printed food engineer ? Sounds unusual?

A World Economic Forum report predicts that machines will make up more than 50% of all global labor by 2025. While many of today’s occupations will continue to be part of the future, some will morph into something entirely new or disappear. completely. It is worth noting that students majoring in science, technology , engineering, and mathematics (STEM) areas are well positioned to excel in the future world of work.

The rise of automation and globalization of the workforce requires graduates to have flexible skills to keep up with the digital landscape such as problem solving, digital and number literacy, critical thinking, and teamwork.

The explosion of digital advancement in the last few decades has already changed the way we work, forever. And it’s leading to the start of new industries and the creation of millions of new roles: UX designers, social media managers… The same thing is likely to happen in the next 30 years.

It is clear that we humans need to focus on being proactive and developing skills that may not currently seem valuable or relevant. These are the predictions for 2050.

A certainty

Workers will be selected primarily for their decision-making skills. As automation takes hold and manual jobs gradually disappear, we will see countless companies scrambling to find talented decision makers. Professionals who make critical decisions for high-tech companies. New opportunities will also arise in light of automation. We can expect robotics engineers and technicians to be in high demand in the coming years, for example. Mechatronics, the intersection of electricity, mechanics and computerization, will be environments that are expected to experience exponential growth.

commercial space pilot

With the Elon Musk-led SpaceX company at the forefront of initiatives to make space travel faster, more viable, and cheaper, we are convinced that, in a few decades, it will be time for commercial space pilots to become one of the professions most in demand at the moment.

Artificial Intelligence Psychologist

The potential applications of AI are far more practical than most imagine, and thanks to the vast amounts of data that machines can now collect about human behavior, the momentum behind AI evolution is growing. As artificial intelligences become more human-like, the intervention of a flesh-and-blood person may be necessary to help maintain the emotional and psychological well-being of the technology. They will need engineers for their “minds”. An AI psychologist will have a dual understanding of psychology and technology in order to ensure that future synthetic intelligences maintain their levels of mental well-being.

business analyst

This type of function will only increase with the passage of time. Analyzing industry trends and watching the competition will be vital between now and 2050. Business analysts will spend more time drawing conclusions and presenting them to management than reporting. The type of skills required for this position will be as important as ever to be successful.

reviver of extinct species

Although it may still sound like science fiction to us, today’s zoologists could play a fundamental role in recreating species that have already become extinct and in their reintegration into their natural environments if we look to the future, especially considering the dangerous evolution of the loss of biodiversity that the entire planet is suffering.

productivity manager

What is technologically possible and what is a company’s staff capable of achieving? Being clear about this will be the key to success. The most prestigious companies will be the ones that can keep up with the latest developments, train their employees and be open to changes. To do this they will need a chief productivity officer or CPO who will be able to improve productivity in the workplace by overseeing the organization’s technology services, ensuring the company achieves its business goals.


Does it shock you that this profession is among the most in-demand jobs in 2050 ? Physical therapists are at the top of the list of jobs that are expected to outperform the market by 2050. Most of the work done by these positions will be similar to what it is today. The therapists and their assistants will offer practical care to patients, a profession that – in this short time frame – cannot be replaced by a machine.

organ builder

Organs or any part of the body . We get fully into the most cyberpunk environment of this future. Waiting lists for organ transplants will be a thing of the past by combining 3D printing with stem cell research to grow organs on demand.

Quantum Data Analyst

Quantum computing takes the theory of quantum mechanics, the concept of nature at its smallest level of atoms and subatomic particles, and uses it in computer calculations. How relevant will they be in the world of computing? We still have a lot to see but with the development of quantum computing, the companies of the future will have to prepare for this new technology, as will happen with quantum encryption, crucial for perfect security.

Software developer

It was a profession that was pretty clear would be on the list. But soon it won’t be enough to just know how to code. Machine learning will replace the more tedious work of entry-level programmers, so software engineers will need to add machine learning to their skill set to stay relevant in the field. They will need high-level skills like data structures and understanding of AI. Self-taught programmers will become a bigger part of the workforce.

3D printing food engineer

As humanity is evolving, the world population will reach 9 billion by 2050. Agricultural systems, as we know them, will not be able to provide enough food for everyone. The solution? Food grown in laboratories, such as meat in vitro and even those printed in 3D are likely to be part of our daily diet.

Drone Director

Drones have the potential to be incredibly useful to us . In 2050 they will not be less. We could be seeing its widespread use for all sorts of global tasks, for example using drones instead of trucks to deliver packages (which could dramatically reduce carbon emissions) or people (passenger deliveries, like a taxi). However, for that to happen, we need people to control them and develop the skills to manage fleets of drones on a large scale, hence highly skilled professionals working alongside computers to ensure that the skies are a safe travel space. , without collisions, safe and coordinated.


There is more and more variety and, therefore, more competition. Getting customers to buy one product over another will become more important than ever as technology advances. Specialized sales workers will have smarter tools and more data on leads.

mind transfer specialist

Neuralink , Augmented Eternity, the examples are already multiplying. Thanks to advances in neuroscience and technology, by 2050 it will be possible to upload a human mind onto a computer. Specialized computer chips could provide benefits such as telepathy, improved memory, and effective treatments for paralysis.

sustainable building regulator

Current estimates state that we will run out of oil in just 50 years. Scientists are shifting their emphasis toward sustainable energy and renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, which are also becoming cheaper and more accessible. Although there are still obstacles that prevent us from fully adopting these cleaner energy sources (we don’t know how to store solar energy effectively, for example), by 2050, the hope is that all these problems will be solved. Charged with ensuring that buildings are 100% environmentally sustainable and fossil fuel free, Green Building Regulators will more than likely play a key value in that future world of work.

digital rehabilitation counselor

The use of social networks is increasing; It is increasingly present in our lives. They are part of it. As exciting new ways to stay connected longer will more than likely continue to emerge, many people will feel, by 2050, that their lives revolve around social media (for many it already is) and other online activities. Hence there is a growing awareness of how addictive technology can be and a need to detox from excessive consumption of digital inputs.

content creators

Content creators represent a very popular sector today and will continue to be so in the coming years. They are those people who create content for the Internet. They are also experts in social networks , especially Instagram. The success of these professionals is explained by the fact that people want to connect more with real people than with brands. However, brands already know this and are increasingly exploring partnerships with these influencers . So, in essence, the strategy has only changed wardrobe.

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