What Are The Benefits Of Brand Positioning?

What Are The Benefits Of Brand Positioning?


A concept used in Marketing refers to the association between the brand and an attribute in the consumer’s mind. But what are the benefits of brand positioning? Is it essential to draw up a positioning strategy to achieve success?

Benefits of brand positioning

A positioning strategy allows communicating the value proposition and the competitive advantages of a brand, a fact that translates into a series of benefits:

Differentiate yourself from the competition

An effective brand positioning strategy allows for defining those unique elements that differentiate a brand from the rest of the market’s competitors. To achieve this differentiation, brands need to choose a brand positioning strategy focused on their competitive advantage or value proposition. In this way, they will ensure that their products and services are present in the minds of consumers, thus becoming the first purchase option.

Guide customer purchasing decisions

Thanks to the brand positioning strategy, we can impact and transmit messages to customers much more effectively, generating reliability. If we manage to occupy a place in their minds, we can gain their loyalty since customers will know the brand and not feel the need to look for others.

Define the value of the product or service offered

A positioning strategy makes it possible to identify what aspects or attributes make the product or service unique and different from competitors’. In other words, help customers realize why they should buy your brand and not a competitor’s.

Check the fixed price.

With a good brand positioning strategy, the added value for customers is defined, that is, that benefit for which they are expected to pay the set price. If brands could not define said added value, customers would not be willing to pay the fee.

On the contrary, brands with solid positioning can raise the prices of their products and services to obtain higher margins. If this were the case, users would be willing to pay more, considering that the price is appropriate to the product’s characteristics and the benefit it offers.

Reach more people

Once the positioning strategy has been defined, it is already clear what the message must be transmitted to the public. For this, the different communication channels of the brand can be used, reinforcing them through Marketing strategies. In this way, a more excellent range will be achieved.

Gain credibility for new products

Brands that stand out from their competitors have an easier time making changes to their products or introducing new ones because customers trust them and give credibility to their actions.

Key factors in building brand positioning

To carry out a brand positioning strategy effectively, we must take into account three key factors:

Discover consumer needs

To achieve the desired positioning within a market segment, we have to know what the consumers who are part of it want.

Although we can use traditional practices (surveys, interviews, or focus groups), it is advisable to use more practical methods, such as interactive content, which stimulates user participation. In this way, we will be able to improve the user experience. Still, we will also obtain critical information about the buyer persona that will allow us to optimize commercial processes.

Analyze the competitors

We must develop a rigorous audit of competitors in the digital environment to discover what actions they carry out and what is the perception of users regarding their brands.

Thanks to this analysis, we will know which actions are favorable for the company and which are not convenient due to their negative perception. Likewise, it will allow us to identify elements that help us differentiate ourselves and fill gaps. We must find our competitive advantage or differential value proposition to do this.

Connect with values ​​and perceptions

To promote brand positioning, it is necessary to adjust the value proposition to reality. It is not enough to spread concepts of quality or price to place a brand at the top; it is also essential to connect with consumers’ values, perceptions, and thoughts. In this sense, we must find a value proposition that motivates consumers and provides them with a relevant benefit.

In addition, it is essential to seek a real connection so that the positioning is prolonged, avoiding the paradigm of selling at all costs. The goal should be to strengthen relationships with consumers to occupy a permanent place in their minds. We must promote strategies that humanize the brand, giving them a real identity and personality.

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